Il Est Ecrit


Facts and Figures


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Summary of Seventh-Day Adventist World Church Statistics as of December 31, 2011 Source: Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research  (General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists) Churches, Companies, Membership Churches72,144Companies67,078Church Membership17,479,890Total Accessions1,139,000Baptisms1,109,219Professions of Faith29,781Ordained Ministers, Active17,530Total Active Employees232,168 Mission to the World Countries and Areas of the World as Recognized by the

Our Core Values


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Quality Life Seventh-day Adventists who are and are perceived to be model citizens in the community and whose mental, physical, and spiritual life values are coupled with compassion and service. Unity We share a united view through cohesiveness in doctrine: resulting from Spirit-guided world Church-approval of Bible-based, Christ-centered fundamental beliefs.

Our Beliefs


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We accept the Holy Bible as the only true revelation of God’s will to humankind. Jesus-Christ is in the center of the Holy Scriptures upon which we have founded our beliefs. The Adventist faith is properly described as non-creedal, despite the high level of doctrinal concurrence. The preamble to the

Our Organization


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General Conference The General Conference is the highest administrative level of the church, with different levels of organization beneath. Each level is organized with a representative form of government constituted by the level beneath it, with the individual members of the Church forming the base level (see below for a

Our History


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West-Central Africa Division Headquaters Our History as Seventh-Day Adventist Church The Seventh-Day Adventist Church had its roots in the Millerite movement of the 1830s and 1840s, during the period of the Second Great Awakening, a revival movement in the United States and was officially founded in 1863. Prominent figures in